Exposure Package Sponsor


This package is mainly for solution providers who need more presence if they are already sending a few attendees but don’t want to do a bigger sponsorship or exhibit. It essentially is just 2 attendees but you are marketed as a sponsoring company to give you some marketing presence in the run up to event and the post conference attendee list

10 in stock


  • Company logo, hyperlink & up to 100 word company bio on sponsors page for BOTH Summit websites
  • Company logo displayed in brochure, email marketing and onsite slide show during conference for BOTH Summits
  • Official recognition as a sponsor during event opening and closing remarks
  • 2 full-access conference passes included
  • Free promotion of company materials (video, white paper, past presentation/webinar etc) via our Curtis & Coulter website
  • We will provide you with a special customized $200 discount code to invite your clients and prospects to register for the event
  • Client is expected to post on LinkedIn and various social media outlets about their involvement in the run up to the event. (Posting your $200 off discount code is recommended also)
  • Sponsor will get a mention and website link post in our PR Linked In Group
  • Attendee list by name, company & title will be given out just before conference
  • Post conference attendee list will be given out 1 week after conference


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