Now more than ever, digital marketing has quickly risen to become the focal point of marketing efforts for many healthcare businesses, as well as the only marketing effort for smaller organizations. Leadership plays a key role in many ways, including getting buy-in for digital marketing strategy, coaching and mentoring others to use digital marketing tools, and leveraging data into actionable recommendations.

It’s an exciting time to be in marketing. The Internet has opened new ways to engage new prospects through digital content, not-to-mention retain customers and strengthen the relationship digitally.

Chris Brogan is CEO of Owner Media Group, a highly sought after professional speaker, and the New York Times bestselling author of eight books and counting, including The Freaks Shall Inherit the Earth, and Trust Agents. Chris has spoken for or consulted with the biggest brands you know, including Disney, Coke, Google, GM, Microsoft, Coldwell Banker, Titleist, Scotts, Humana Health, Cisco, Sony USA, and many more. Forbes listed Chris as one of the Must-Follow Marketing Minds of 2014, plus listed his website as one of the 100 best websites for entrepreneurs.

Are you looking to revolutionize your healthcare digital strategy? Would you like to hear from industry’s leading healthcare digital marketing experts?

This coming May, consider joining 300+ of the healthcare industry’s leading marketing experts at the interactive, engaging “TED-styled” 2021 MedDev eMarketing Summit and advance with 2 years worth of new, actionable digital marketing strategies and expertise in just 3 days!

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Med Devices’s one-of-a-kind digital marketing leadership Summit is the BIGGEST program to-date and will share multiple leading industry takeaways on digital strategy leadership, digital health disruption, B2B, B2C, content supply, big data / segmentation, AI/AR/VR, customer experience, patient activation, omni/multi-channel, social strategy, mobile engagement and much, much more. If you are involved in product or brand strategy, you won’t want to miss this game-changing industry Summit!

Marketing Leadership in the Digital World 

  1. 1. Marketing Leadership in the Digital World Chris Brogan //
  2. The Marketplace The world around your buyers evolves quickly. Has your marketing kept up?
  3. Trends ● Stories instead of advertising. ● Mobile-first consumption. ● More personalized data. ● Consumerism of health. ● Synergies abound.
  4. Stories not Ads People need to see themselves in the story. “Make Your Buyer the Hero.” B2B every bit as much as B2C
  5. Mobile First Consumption Netflix-like consumption. Bites and grabs. #hashtagsdoneright
  6. Personalized Data Marketing tied to Customer Service CRM done well Segmentation
  7. Consumerism of Health Fitbit, 23andMe CVS Access, Distribution, and Data Velocity
  8. Synergies Everywhere Wearable devices trend upsurge Under Armour acquires MapMyFitness 3D Printing pushes opportunities (more later)
  9. Create and Nurture the Marketplace The number one goal of all marketing. We forget this, because we get stuck in the tools.
  10. Create and Nurture the Marketplace ▹ People want to be seen and heard. ▹ People want to be the hero. ▹ People want to understand. ▹ People want to belong. ▹ And they want connection points.
  11. Create and Nurture the Marketplace Seen and Heard Social helps. A strong centralized use of CRM for managing responses/replies. The Hero Tell your marketing stories from their side. You’re not the amazing company. They’re the amazing patient or physician (etc). Understanding We are more busy than ever before. Be brief. Be clear. Use small words (until you can’t). Belonging No one wants to be in the Lupus community, but we want to feel welcome, to feel like we’ve got a team around us, etc. Connection Points In a world of “push 2 for Spanish,” people are craving a “real human” connection wherever possible. Work this in.
  12. The Tools Have Changed Reaching the masses is only one approach
  13. The Tools Have Changed ▹ Email marketing is alive and well (IF you do it personably) ▹ Small groups trump “everyone” approaches. ▹ The “commons” are echoing, but you still need an ear there.
  14. The Tools Have Changed Email Marketing Segments and personalization are everything. Facebook It’s all about groups and Messenger. Don’t worry as much about the “page.” Instagram/Pinterest Still thriving, if your product is visual enough. Blogs Can be very useful if you blog for Google and earn the right to further serve people via your specific newsletters. Video/Live/Snapchat Viable for some, if you’re dedicated to creating useful content on a regular basis. LIVE has some very interesting potential.
  15. Future Considerations
  16. ” Marketing organizations will continue to push more towards customer-centric and story-centric approaches.
  17. ” Content marketing continues to prove its value as a viable method to nurture sales relationships.
  18. ” Technologies like 3D printing and other innovations will foster the need for community mentors. (Big opportunity for you.)
  19. ” The “velocity” of internal and external communications will ramp even more. Speed wins. (Slack.)
  20. ” Marketing organizations that still see “digital” as a separate department will falter. (One team.)
  21. Goal: more customers Approach: simple, clear We’ve spent a lot of time creating more and more complexity. Lots of what you’ll see over this event points to another way to accomplish your goals.
  22. THANKS! Any questions? ▹ ▹ ▹ @chrisbrogan

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