With special thanks to our sponsor EngagedMedia (a division of Aptus Health) who kindly share this case study in conjunction with the  2020 BioPharma eMarketing Summit May 5-7 2020in San Diego. (The only TED-style digital marketing event for BioPharma)

There’s no doubt that patients and consumers today have much more control over the buying process than marketers do. Mobile is now the prevailing platform through which people access the internet, with health information being one of the major categories consumers routinely utilize through mobile platforms. It is clear that smartphones and tablets play a vital role in connecting patients to doctors and other healthcare stakeholders. Is your brand mobile friendly? Are you taking advantage of the plume of mobile marketing tools available at your disposal?

Almost any brand facing loss of exclusivity (LOE) expects that such change will bring with it a loss of market share. The challenge is mitigating that loss over time. Yet with a strategic promotional plan in place that proactively engages patients and makes it easier for them to stay on a branded therapy, it’s possible to shift the erosion curve in a more positive direction. In response, we wanted to share with you a case study paper from EngagedMedia / Aptus Health focused around revitalizing your brand through engaging patients via a fresh, unique mobile marketing plan.

This case study discusses:

  • Situational Analysis
  • Solution Design
  • Campaign elements
  • Results

We invite you to download the full case study via the button below. We hope this will aid you and your company in creating a successful mobile marketing plan moving forward.

Want to hear multi-channel success stories from leading healthcare marketers? Interested to join a network of leading digital marketing leadership pioneers who are willing to share their own digital strategies that have transformed their own campaigns and organization’s overall success?

Let us revolutionize your healthcare B2B & B2C marketing strategy at the 2020 Biopharma eMarketing Summit in San Diego. Join over 300+ of the device industry’s leading marketing experts in this interactive, engaging “TED-style” Summit and advance with 2 years worth of new, actionable digital marketing strategies and expertise in just 3 days! Oh and you’ll have fun in the process too! We promise!


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