Extended Release (ER) feasibility in drug delivery continues to be an important challenge for pharmaceutical and biotech drug manufacturers. There are many factors and parameters to consider including dosage form, selecting the appropriate technology process and formulation selection with regards to ER feasibility tests.

In response, we want to share a presentation deck titled “Formulation Selection and In Silico
Design for Extended Release Products” from Alfred Berchielli at Pfizer. Mr Berchielli delivered this talk at one of our past Controlled & Modified Drug Summits. This presentation focuses on Extended Release Technology Process, what the key parameters where & key formulations for drug candidates. In addition, he will be using examples of digital design for ER osmotic tablets and showing osmotic tablet/capsule example PK data.

Scroll through the presentation below……

2024 Controlled & Modified Drug Release Summit

(May 14-15, 2024, Princeton, NJ)


Interested to improve the performance of your drug products? Learn 2 years of new drug product development approaches at the 2024 Summit this coming May both in-person & virtual.

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