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With special thanks to our partner Pascale Communications for providing this week’s blog. Pascale Co-Founder & CEO Georgette Pascale will be presenting the not-to-be-missed opening keynote “Reputation 101 – New School, Old School & Everything in Between” at the forthcoming 2020 Reputation Strategy Summit this January in NYC.

Everything you are able to achieve in your industry stems from your reputation. Your business—your brand—is inextricably linked to your reputation. What people say and think about your brand is the currency from which everything else flows. It is the key to your power.

When you start a company, naturally you have clear idea of what you want your reputation to be. Perhaps you have key phrases describing your brand’s values in your mission statement—but what are the feelings your clients have about your brand and what attributes do your clients associate with you? What buzz words are top of mind? Asking these questions can help you gauge informally and off the cuff how your clients perceive you and the work you do.

So, are you confident that your reputation management strategy is working? What if something goes wrong (hint: it will).

We have long respected “name power,” noting “name recognition” and the importance of “protecting your name” as part of business savvy. With social medial and today’s digital footprint, reputation management is even more vital. Any misstep is instantly shared, scrutinized, discussed and dissected. Your reputation can come under fire as the clicks pile up online. Before you even have a chance to react and understand what’s happening, you realize you needed a plan, like, yesterday.

A negative public perception of your company can have disasterous consequences, not least financially. As news travels fast, particulary bad news, the reputation it took years to build can be tarnished in a few clicks unless you have an infallible reputation management strategy in place. So please ask yourself this question in order to protect your company/brand in the future:

Is your company prepared to respond to any PR eventuality in the digital world?

Pascale Communications invites you to join them this January for the industry’s only interactive and fun, ‘TED-style’ 2020 Reputation Strategy Summit. If you are communications professional, C suite exec, or an entrepreneur learning to understand the importance of reputation, this is for you. Ensure your business can plan and respond to any reputational threat by registering your team TODAY!

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