With special thanks to Campign Monitor who kindly share this blog post.


1. Know your demographic

You already know how important it is for marketers to know their target demographic well. In fact, you should know your audience and your target audience better than anyone.

Know their ages.

And voice technology is no different. When we asked our survey respondents about their age, we learned that out of more than 400 respondents, the largest groups ranked at 21.8% between the ages of 25 and 34 and 20.9% between the ages of 35 and 44.

Additionally, 15.8% of respondents were between the ages of 45 to 54, 14.4% were between the ages of 18-24, and 13.0% of respondents were between 55 to 64 years of age.

Finally, 9.5% were from 65 to 74, and respondents who said they were 75 or older came in at 2.8%. Only 1.9% said they were 17 or younger.

That means you can’t simply assume that if you are targeting an older demographic they won’t use or understand smart devices.

Instead, we see that people across demographics use voice tech regularly.


Know your devices

Similarly, it’s important that you know what devices your audience uses to communicate with you and conduct business. Without knowing what kind of technology your audience is using, you’re missing out on key data that will inform the ways you optimize your marketing strategy.

Just like you need to know which email clients your audience prefers, you need to understand your audience’s devices in order to deliver a seamless and delightful audio experience.

When we asked our survey respondents what devices they use for voice technology, the majority of respondents—an incredible 82.1%—said they use their smartphones. Additionally, 32.8% said they use Amazon’s Alexa.

Google Home use came out at 24.4%, and 17.9% said they use voice technology through their smartwatch.

Of the 4.5% of respondents who answered “Other,” we saw many specify they use voice tech in the car, through smart televisions, and similar devices.

The bottom line? If you don’t understand how your biggest fans and most loyal customers interact with your brand, you won’t be able to fully optimize your campaigns for conversion, which means you’re leaving revenue on the table.

2. Voice tech users are habitual users, not occasional

People who use voice tech use it regularly. When we asked how often our respondents use voice technology, we learned that 41.8% answered every day. This accounted for the largest percentage by far.

The next largest percentage of our respondents said they’d never used voice technology, accounting for 27.2%. Similarly, 21.3% of respondents said they use voice technology at least weekly. Only 9.7% said they use voice technology monthly.

This means that the people who use voice tech aren’t checking in here and there, but rather the ones who have invested in voice technology are incorporating it many aspects of their daily lives.

Similarly, we learned that almost half of our respondents—47.7% to be exact—have one device on which they use voice technology, while 20.8% of respondents have two devices and 17.2% have zero voice tech devices.

Surprisingly perhaps, 7.8% of respondents actually have more than four devices and 6.5% have three.

3. Task-based marketing

Our results show that people use voice technology for tasks and hands-free functionality most often, such as texting, streaming music, and getting directions. This came as no surprise to Cody Bender in our interview with him, as he told us, “Voice tech is really good for task-based things.”

While he believes voice technology might one day be able to possibly scrape inboxes and summarize offers and such, the technology still has a way to go before that’s any simpler than skimming an inbox.

Instead of just jumping on the voice technology trend indiscriminately, your brand should consider whether or not the technology allows you to anticipate your customers’ needs and solve their pain points.

After all, voice technology is all about making life simpler and easier, asking a question and having it answered immediately without having to pick up a phone or open a laptop. So when deciding how voice technology can help your business, keep the customer experience your number one concern.

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